Monday, January 28, 2013


I'm titling this post "thankfulness" because at the moment I'm very thankful for power. I'm an airconditioned room and typing at a computer! I'm full from food from the fridge and I had a nice hot meal this morning (I do have a nasty cold at the mo though). Praying for those who still don't have power!

Here's what happened at our place during the storms! Let me illustrate:

Church was cancelled due to the weather so to keep myself busy I did Irene's and Mum's hair.

 Poor bubba, all huddled in a corner to keep away from the rain.

The pool during the rain, nearly full.

Just look at that rain comin' down!

 The pool as it was overflowing! 

After the storm we had to cook our food on the BBQ! Mum's a pretty good cook so everything tasted just delicious as usual.

The pool after the storm.

Pea soup, anyone?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rainy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day! Now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I'm here to tell you that it rained today. So I took a few photos. They didn't turn out as great as I'd hoped they would and I only got a couple that were reasonable, but I felt obliged to give my wonderful viewers a little something for their money (because time=money).

Irene was a nice person and posed as we were taking the dog for a walk. :)

The next two are from a different rainy day from a while ago.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Today I saw Les Miserables, so I'm depressed and joyful at the same time. It was amazing and frightening and soul-tearing, but I won't give away anything else.

I didn't take any photos today but I thought I'd give you one that I'd taken before that kinda capture the way I felt during the sad bits:

And here's a photo Mum took. This is what I wanted to do during the whole movie:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Since I am on holidays yet til the end of this week, I can post to my heart's delight - that is.. once a day. Aren't you pleased! You should be. :)
Here are some of my all time favorite photos, taken over the past year and a half, with Mum and Dad's EOS Digital Canon, with an 18-55 mm lens.

This baby robin was in Canada. Isn't it adorable?

I just love this! Curly grass. Who woulda thought? 

A favorite because it's my first successful panning shot. I also love the look on Isaac's face and the colors.

I like this in a weird way. I mean, it's weird. But cool.


These two ladies are just gorgeous, and they love each other to bits. It's always been my favorite portrait!

I cannot forget these lovely girls. 

A bee! I caught one of these illusive things on camera! Harder than it looks. 

Me and my little sis. Before she got her growth spurt. Now she's not quite so little anymore... 


Hi everyone, this is my first post, in case nobody noticed. :) That's a cliche', isn't it? I hope people will like my photos and subscribe to my blog - it's my first. There's another one. 
Let me take you back to when I got my first camera for my 12th birthday! I tell you, I loved that silly compact camera and took so many photos with it! 

I love this first photo and always have. I guess I got lucky with this one. It just captures the craziness and lovability of my siblings!

Isn't Irene cute here? (don't let her catch me saying that.)