Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hi everyone, this is my first post, in case nobody noticed. :) That's a cliche', isn't it? I hope people will like my photos and subscribe to my blog - it's my first. There's another one. 
Let me take you back to when I got my first camera for my 12th birthday! I tell you, I loved that silly compact camera and took so many photos with it! 

I love this first photo and always have. I guess I got lucky with this one. It just captures the craziness and lovability of my siblings!

Isn't Irene cute here? (don't let her catch me saying that.)


  1. Bravo! Congrats on your first blog! :D

  2. Yay, great start! We look forward to more wonderfulness coming at us from your camera and fingertips :)
