Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Since I am on holidays yet til the end of this week, I can post to my heart's delight - that is.. once a day. Aren't you pleased! You should be. :)
Here are some of my all time favorite photos, taken over the past year and a half, with Mum and Dad's EOS Digital Canon, with an 18-55 mm lens.

This baby robin was in Canada. Isn't it adorable?

I just love this! Curly grass. Who woulda thought? 

A favorite because it's my first successful panning shot. I also love the look on Isaac's face and the colors.

I like this in a weird way. I mean, it's weird. But cool.


These two ladies are just gorgeous, and they love each other to bits. It's always been my favorite portrait!

I cannot forget these lovely girls. 

A bee! I caught one of these illusive things on camera! Harder than it looks. 

Me and my little sis. Before she got her growth spurt. Now she's not quite so little anymore... 


  1. Beautiful pics Naomi! You are so talented! I especially like the sixth one... ;)

    India xx

  2. Amazing photos, Naomi! I'm so pleased you have a blog now and I can see more of your photography :)
    Holly xo

  3. Good job with that shot of Isaac! Panning is tough, hey!
    Looking forward to more photo-filled posts oox

    1. It is, definitely! I should probably try doing it more often. ;) thanks! xx

  4. Wow i love each an every picture on this post!! What a nice one of you and Irene.
